Software Developer and CS Undergrad
The "Two Laptops" Problem Solved
I think I’ve solved the two laptops problem. I realized that its not really a problem worth solving.
Article Curator for Kindle
Another short one. I noticed I mostly use my mobile data to read articles suggested by Google Chrome.
Error Handling
I saw a post on error handling earlier this morning. I skimmed the article, so bear that in mind.
The "Two Laptops" Problem Cont'd
It’s October. Still have two personal laptops. Both running nixos; well, both were running nixos.
Nixos: Overriding System Packages
This one’s short. Is there a system package in Nixos whose source you wish to replace with your own?
The "Two Laptops" Problem
About three years ago, I bought a decked out XPS 13 to replace a five year old Thinkpad E535 I had.
'Sane'itizing MTA's Turnstile Datasets: Geotagging
Update: Looks like others have geotagged the turnstile dataset too.
Scarcity in an Ocean of Knowledge
I wrote down the three things I wanted to work on today; one being a blog post on how I automated adding content to the blog that you’re currently reading.